Friday, January 30, 2015

Presidential Candidate of Joseph Smith Jr. June 27,1884 Annivery

Presidential Candidate 
 Joseph Smith Jr. 

  “We should be ‘anxiously engaged’ in good causes and leave the world a better place for having lived in it .” 
Joseph Smith Presidential Candidate 1844
Artist Michael Bedard

I used this same flag first in the painting below  of the Laying of the Nauvoo Temple.
Joseph Smith martyred on June 27, 1844, at the Carthage Jail, ending his brief presidential campaign. Although he did not gain redress for the wrongs suffered by the Saints in Missouri, his campaign had brought much favorable public attention to the Church. Many years later, President Ezra Taft Benson said, Joseph Smith’s presidential campaign had sought to make the United States a better place, not only for the Latter-day Saints, but for all Americans.
also if you would like to purchase a print of this go to my web sight store/Patriotic 

Nauvoo Temple Corner Stone Ceremony 1841   
artist Michael Bedard
 The sixth of April , 1841, was a memorable day in the history of Nauvoo. That day the corner stones of the great  temple which God had commanded his people to build were laid. Early that morning the sisters presented to Joseph  Smith and the Nauvoo Legion a silk flag with 27 stars representing each state in the union at that time. This flag was saluted with canon fire and than accompanied the Nauvoo legion as it made its solemn sacred march up mauholland street  to the laying ceremony. 

General Joseph Smith 

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